majestic basic academy was founded in the year 2005 with just six students, two out of the six paid 9,000 which was used for buying some needed items. the school later grew to one hundred student at about one month old, and was able to build a two storey building in on year for the school. The school has so far graduated eight sets of junior students and four sets of senior students. by 2007 the school was expanded. we have qualified teachers with,B.Eng and Nce certificates. the school has a vision of bringing quality education to the lowest persons at affordable fees, and make them know that education is the same, and give them all necessary equipment s to inform them so as to not be deformed with all visual and audio learning, differentiating between adult and pediatric learning.
Majestic Basic Academy currently offers the following levels of education....
Care and fun for your babies
Basic education for the toddlers
Complete primary education
Advance education for the teenagers.
Majestic Basic Academy is fully equipped with standard and latest facilities to give your children a complete training experience.