The journey that started 20 years ago has yielded a formidable fruit, precisely, Estate Secondary School started at No. G85 Nwangene, Fegge, Onitsha on the 9th day of January, 1989 with 52 students and teachers. It was founded by Sir Ignatius C. Egbugobi who incidentally remains the school principal up to date. The school has since these years witnessed series of metamorphosis both structurally, academically and otherwise. In 1994, serious attempt was made to get a permanent site fully developed for the school at Iyiowa Odekpe. This gave rise to acquisition of 8 plots of land at East-end layout, Iyiowa Odekpe for a full actualisation of this dream. However, due to some logistic problems, a make-shift arrangement was made to get Iyiowa Odekpe campus started in September 1995.
Meanwhile, in the year 2002, the management came up with a lofty idea of redesigning the institution to embrace Nursery,,primary and secondary and this gave rise to the name "Estate Model School". We wish to reiterate that the philosophy of this institution revolves on ensuring the development of socio-cultural and spiritual values of an individual as well as providing for the mastery of basic skills and knowledge necessary for effective and independent living. Thus, this philosophy rhymes with our school motto: Education for Self Reliance
To achieve the above stated objectives, the school exposes children to all necessary subjects and activities as contained in the government approved school curriculum. This is why the students we have produced over the years have exhibited resourceful skills in various aspects of life in the society. Just enter any Nigerian University or office, Estate students are conspicuously noticed in positive academic exercises. The school has produced erudite scholars in various fields of endeavour thus among our old student are doctors, lawyer, engineers, politicians, business tycoons, accountants, computer scientists, clergy men, lecturers etc.
Estate Secondary School currently offers the following levels of education....
Advance education for the teenagers.
Estate Secondary School is fully equipped with standard and latest facilities to give your children a complete training experience.