Challenge international Academy was esterblish in 2015 to cater for the teaming population in kano.The school proprietor is a well learned and has educational background. The school has computer lab library and science lab to enable the students reach the standard level and in a conducive environment. Challenge International employed best and qualified teacher with educational background in order to have qualified and brilliant student .We also use the Montessori method of teaching for effective learning among our students. The school.also has standard water supply and electric system as well as stand by generator for a conducive atmosphere of learning .Under the umbrella of challenge we also have the ISLAMIYYA SECTION
Challenge International Academy currently offers the following levels of education....
Care and fun for your babies
Basic education for the toddlers
Complete primary education
Advance education for the teenagers.
Challenge International Academy is fully equipped with standard and latest facilities to give your children a complete training experience.