The school started with seven (7) pupils in Nursery and Primary in 1990 and one student of the secondary in 1999 and has grown together to over one thousand pupils and students with two campuses, and over one hundred and fifty staff (academic and non academic).
As a group, IVEROK Schools can collectively boast of the following:
i) Over one hundred and fifty experienced and highly qualified graduate teachers and staff.
ii) Comfortable and spacious classrooms
iii) Modern teaching and learning facilities
iv) Very well equipped and up to date science laboratory
v) Functional library (with a capacity for holding over more than 2000 titles).
vi) Hi-tech computer/Internet studios
vii) School buses to ease transportation.
viii) Serene, spacious and comfortable learning environment.
OUR MISSION:- IVEROK International Group of Schools has set for itself the mission of providing the much needed functional education, acceptable moral standard, and the right of character and training as exemplified in our cultural as well as spiritual values. We are committed to inspiring our children with a burning desire for self-improvement and enlargement of their capacity for creative ability both now and in the future. We are dedicated to pursuing the socially desirable educationally abiding values of building “total children??? who are thereby imbued with the capacity of functioning effectively in the society as well-rounded adults.
OUR VISION:- Our vision remains to (consistent with the classical notion of “primus inter pares???,) be the first among equals and a beacon of light to others in our areas of concern, by churning out products students who can look beyond here and now to aspire towards greater heights of achievement and realization. By this, we mean that at the time when we send forth our students into the world of work, they should already be young adults ready to join the league of professionals and become future leaders.
OUR PHILOSOPHY:- At IVEROK, we believe that every child is inherently gifted and innately good. We seek to harness these hidden qualities in our children by giving them qualitative and comprehensive education packaged to produce disciplined, well balanced, creative and self-reliant persons that are very much needed in modern Nigeria society to prepare the country for the post-modern era. Towards the attainment of these clearly laudable tasks, the curriculum at IVEROK focuses on the multi-talented and multi-facetted approach which involves the teaching of facts (the COGNITIVE DOMAIN), while also guiding the learner develop love, interest and affection for what is taught (the AFFECTIVE DOMAIN) as precursors to finally equipping the learner with the skills (the PSYCHOMOTOR DOMAIN). Evidently therefore, the dominant teaching methods at IVEROK are child centred, with a bias towards investigative discovery rather than being teacher dominated. This is what we refer to as “Learning by Inquiry???.
OUR AIM:- In IVEROK INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, we aim at maintaining within our admission policy, flexible and broad provision that makes it possible to receive pupils at any stage of their development, respond to children’s needs within a caring community and provide them with the highest possible standard of education in other that all pupils achieve their potentials.
A: Place emphasis upon self discipline, interpersonal relationships, a reasoned set of attitudes and respect for cultural and moral values.
B: Place emphasis upon the acquisition of knowledge, skills and practical abilities, developing lively, enquiring minds.
C: Encouraging strong links with parents as a means of enhancing each pupil’s education.
D: Provide a curriculum which is relevant, balanced and challenging and include:
(a) An international dimension.
(b) A preparation for our technological society.
(c) An awareness of society’s influence and control of the environment.
(d) An emphasis on communication in all its forms.
(e) An emphasis on creativity and independence of mind.
(f) An emphasis on health, fitness and social awareness.
Children love to learn. They have an orderly progression, moving from one step to the other. They love to imitate. In Iverok we make use of these aptitudes to start them off early in their educational career in such a way that the pleasure of learning is soon discovered. Practice in the orderly use of their minds help them to establish orderly behavior early in their lives. This is carried through to other activities, as they grow older.
Iverok International School currently offers the following levels of education....
Care and fun for your babies
Basic education for the toddlers
Complete primary education
Advance education for the teenagers.
Iverok International School is fully equipped with standard and latest facilities to give your children a complete training experience.