Vision: To be the best provider of quality and comprehensive foundation education that can leade our learners to leadership positions in the emerging global economy.
Mission: To inspire critical thinking and unleash the talents of every learner through a balanced array of opportunities and stimulating academic environment and well trained and motivated staff to help learners succeed in an increasingly complex, competitive and technological driven global economy.
Goals: To impact exceptional social values and skills in learners whilst also promoting career fulfilment for staff.
Core Values: Accountability, Service, Lifelong Learning, Integrity and Godliness.
Unique Attributes: Education with Character, Vocational & Technical Entrepreneurship Education.
Awards: NNPC Best Essay (2016), Microsoft Competition Finalist (2017), Sports, Drama and Dance. etc.
Kith & Kin Educational Schools currently offers the following levels of education....
Care and fun for your babies
Basic education for the toddlers
Complete primary education
Advance education for the teenagers.
Kith & Kin Educational Schools is fully equipped with standard and latest facilities to give your children a complete training experience.