Vom Road Adjacent HBC Resort, kwata-zawan. P.O.Box 404., Kwata-Zawan, Jos,
FCT, Nigeria.

About us

Reasons why I embark on school project as a step toward helping the less privileged in the society for a better life.
There is a popular saying that knowledge is power, and education is the key to success from the grim depth of poverty to a better life. They also added that the greatest gift that one could give to his child is education. It is true that everyone needs power, education and a better life but not everyone can afford it due to poverty.
At the peak of my career as a civil servant, God opened my eyes to see the defeated life our youths are living because of a faulty foundation. The erratic dressings on the side of our girls for money and the illegi5timate kids shouldered on their poor, week and aged parents; all added burden to pain away in agony. On the other side, is the ambition of the youths which have turned away from being responsible to criminality and Drug Addiction, could never let me sleep for nights.
It is obvious that the most affected youths are those who are uneducated who are mostly from the poor homes; and I asked myself, is this the fate of the less privileged to live in this shackles and chain for life? Can we sadly watch them going down the train when we have resources to pull them out without our conscience stricken? This is the guilt that our conscience cant suppress if you really picture their real life predicaments.
This long impulse or passion to bring out from this cloudy future kept hunting me. The more I try to shun from this, the more responsible I become and the less sleep I have. I wish I heard this earlier than now. Sadly, I have to face it using the last cream of my retired age and benefits to do what the Lord wants, placing on me the school project as a foundation to produce God-fearing academic stars for future leadership using A.C.E. (Accelerated Christian Education) program to give them a better life here on earth and thereafter.




Girls & Boys


What we offer

FAVOUR INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY currently offers the following levels of education....


Care and fun for your babies


Basic education for the toddlers


Complete primary education


Advance education for the teenagers.

Our Facilities

FAVOUR INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY is fully equipped with standard and latest facilities to give your children a complete training experience.

Science Laboratory

Student Library

School Vehicle

Computer Lab.

Health Care

Contact us

For admission procedures & further enquiries, please contact us or simply fill the form below. Our representative will respond to you shortly.

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Enquiry Form

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